So I am LOVING the color red lately. I'm not a favorite color kinda girl but I just have been really appreciating the color red as of late. Hence the red galoshes, hooodie, and even recent hair color :) So yesterday I went scoping out some new places to take pics. And I found many! So I made Mike come along to take the pics as I never have any interested models?? But after much editing this is what I came up with...
Ignore my weird face in the above shot. I make many odd expressions.
This is a candid shot that I just liked. I was trying to maneuver through the shallow spots of water. I was mostly successful :) Only one boot ended up filling with water.
Another cool candid shot. I'm trying to gauge how deep the water is that direction.
Overall I vote it was a success. Enjoyed nature a bit. Ended up hiking about 4 miles. And only completely embarrassed myself twice. (boot filling with water, and a snake/stick attack)
Ok so I did this project a while ago. I just realized I hadn't posted pics. I found this old crappy side table at DI with rotting wood and everything. I ended up having to tear it apart and get rid of water damaged wood and reassembling it.
And this is the finished product. (don't mind the crappy quality pic) I did a light gray paint that was watered down so it'd show the wood through the paint still. Switched up the hardware and add a few pieces and its super cute. I really love it!!!
I love beanies with a brim as of late. We've been selling a bunch at work and I of course don't love the idea of spending over 20 on them. So I decided today to make my own. Completely free!!! I had the yarn and buttons in my crafting supplies. And it surprisingly looks good with my red hair. This is going to make me want to make 5 more. Can anyone say Christmas Gifts???
Just whipped up these cards to go with some scarves I'm giving away. Thought I'd show some of my crafting that I'm fitting in with the recent busy-ness of my life. Cards are something I tell myself I should do more of because it's pretty fast to whip them out. Someday...